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Getting the Garden Going

Garden Plots Ready for Soil Preparation

Community gardening is a wonderful thing to engage in. I have been doing it with my Dad since 1997 and enjoy it immensely. If you don’t have any space to start a garden where you live community garden is a great option as many neighborhoods throughout the country have plots available. In some areas there are such huge community gardening movements that many end up on waiting lists to get a plot for one or more years.

Whether you are gardening at home or in a community setting preparation always has to take place before planting and harvesting.

The Rear Tine Tiller – A Workhorse

Today was soil preparation day. Getting ready for planting involves turning over the soil to eliminate weeds and other volunteer plants and to make the soil loose enough to plant seeds and seedlings.
Our method of turning the soil is tilling using a very powerful rear tine tiller. And of course being the younger one in our little group I run the tiller and always have!
When tilling/tuning the soil it make two passes over the entire area of our two plots which is about 1,200 sq. ft. to make sure I don’t miss any area – at least a 2 hour task every growing season.

Tilled Garden Ready For Planting
Tilled Garden Ready For Planting

Next time we choose plants and seeds…

The Projects Chick – Vicki McGill PCAvatar2

Posted in Community Gardening